Since I last posted -- and that's only because we've been so immersed in our coffee roasting. From working to find the best green coffee available to developing the purest roast profile for each bean - we throw ourselves into the process like it's the most important part of our lives. And, for all intensive purposes...it is. Coffee is what we live and breathe (and sip, savor, explore) and if we don't totally love what we do it would show through.
We know you are discriminating consumers - we are too. I guess that's what we love about you and what makes it all worth while. If we find something that blows us away we KNOW you are right there ready to experience the same. That’s why we snatch up opportunities to sample our coffee because each and every time we do the coffee sells itself. We’re so stoked when people turn on to the Kohana Coffees – it’s like finding your ‘clan’.
Our promise is to keep on doing what we do with the hopes that you’ll do the same. Find us out there if you’re ready for a great coffee treat – we know you won’t be sorry!